Ancient history micro topic syllabus upsc


The UPSC CSE consists of three stages: preliminary examination, the mains examination, and a personality test (interview). The GS mains micro Syllabus of UPSC CSE is extremely vast and complex so it becomes very important to understand the syllabus to the core. The first step is always the most crucial in any of the undertakings in life as it determines the course of the entire voyage. The civil service examination follows a similar path. It is critical to understand the syllabus in order to succeed in the Civil Service Examinations.

The descriptive analysis of the syllabus's micro listing makes preparation easier because it allows aspirants to prepare topic by topic, ensuring that they do not overlook any crucial topics. Here, JV's IAS offers you a micro-listing of topics that includes a specific topic-by-topic list of UPSC syllabus, allowing UPSC aspirants to finish their preparation with a better comprehension of the UPSC Prelims & Mains Syllabus


1. Prehistoric Cultures in India

• Periodization of Indian pre history

• Sources of prehistory

• Stone age

• Palaeolithic (2 million BC - 10,000 BC)

• Mesolithic (10,000 BC 8,000 BC)

• Palaeolithic (8000 BC 4000 BC)

• Chalcolithic Age (4000 BC 1500 BC)

• Iron age (1500 BC-200 BC)

• Impact of Iron

2. Pastoral and Farming Communities

• Neolithic Phase

• Chalcolithic Phase

• Early Iron Phase

• Geographical Distribution and Characteristics

3. Indus Valley Civilization

• Major cities

• Town Planning

• Harappan Trade

• Agriculture

• Domestication of animals

• Crafts

• Religion

• Harappan Pottery

• Weights and Measures

• Script and Language

• Images

• Decline of Harappan Culture

4. Vedic Society

• Original Home of Aryans

• Features of Aryan Culture

• Vedic Texts

• Sources for Reconstructing

• Vedic Society and Culture

• Geography of the Rig Vedic Period

• Geography of the later Vedic Phases

• Economic Conditions

• Political Organization and Evolution of Monarchy

• Social Organisation and Varna System

• Religion and Thought

5. Pre Mauryan-Period

• Formation of states

• The Sixteen Mahajanapadas

• Republics

• Rise of urban centres

• Haryanka dynasty

• Shishunaga dynasty

 • Nanda dynasty

6. The Mauryan Empire

• Chandragupta and Bindusara

• Megasthenes

• Asoka and His Successors

• Asoka's Inscriptions and Sites

• Asoka' a Dhamma

• Mauryan. Administration, Economy, Society and Art

• The Arthasastra

 7. Post Mauryan India (BC-200- AD 300)

• Society Evolution of Jatis

• Sangam Texts-and Society

• Satavahanas and Other Indigenous Dynasties

• Foreign Dynasties

• Commercial Contacts with the Outside World

• Schools of Art

8. Growth of Jainism and Buddhism

• Jainism

• Buddhism

9. Imperial Guptas

• Sources of Gupta Rule

• Political history of Guptas

• Fahien

• Gupta Administration

• Gupta Culture

• Urban centres in Gupta period

• Economic Conditions

10. Harshavardhana

• Sources for Harsha's Period

• Early life of Harsha

• Harsha's Administration

• Important Officials of the empire

• Economy under Harsha

• Society

• Religion

 11. The Southern Dynasties

• The Satavahanas (230 BC TO AD 225)

• The Pallavas (AD 330-796)

• The Chalukyas (AD 535- 1190)

• The Pandyas of Madurai (AD 590-1323)

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