Asad Zuberi - Rank 86(2022)


 5 life lessons I learned during the process of preparing for UPSC Civil Services Exams. This exam becomes your lifestyle and it’s full of ups and downs. However, it does leave you with some invaluable life lessons :  

✍️ Don’t allow others to dictate what you can or cannot do :  There will be people telling you that this can’t be done in a month, that can’t be revised in a week, you can’t study this much in a day. Ask yourself, who made these rules? I challenged myself everyday in my 2021 Mains exam. Learned the art of answer writing from scratch, completed my optional and prepared for my General Studies Mains in just 67 days. I ended up clearing Mains stage and I reached very close to the list and cleared the exam with Rank 86 in 2022. 

✍️ Never get too happy or too sad in life as ‘This too shall pass’ :  Getting too happy on our good days builds up our expectations. Since UPSC is a long journey, one must stay grounded throughout. Bow your head to sorrow and success alike and keep moving. 

✍️ The process of Improvement never ends :  If you are preparing for UPSC, there won’t be a stage till your final selection when you will be able to say that you are well prepared or you have done really well in your exams. Keep looking for better answers and keep improving your skills. 

✍️ Motivation can nudge you to get on a boat but Discipline and only Discipline can Sail it :  There is no successful or unsuccessful candidate who is motivated everyday throughout the preparation. Motivation will get you nowhere but Discipline and hardwork can beat talent, intelligence and luck. 

✍️ Be Grateful for small successes and don’t forget to pat your back :  No one would give you validation until your name appears in the holy PDF. You have to be your own Cheerleader. Don’t forget to treat yourself even when you achieve parts of your target. Improvement is slow and gradual, but keep the slow going.

Asad Zuberi - Rank 86(2022)

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