Medieval India micro topic syllabus upsc



Medieval India micro topic syllabus upsc 

1. Central Asian Politics and the Advance of Babur towards India

• The Timurids

• The Timurid-Uzbek and Uzbek-Iran Conflict and Babur

• Babur's Advance towards India

2. Struggle for Empire in North- India (Afghans, Rajputs and Mughals)

 • Struggle between Ibrahim Lodi and Babur

• The Battle of Panipat

• Babur's problems after the Battle of Panipat

• Struggle with Rana Sanga

• Problems of the Eastern Areas and the Afghans

• Babur's Contribution and Significance of his Advent into India

3. Struggle for Empire in North India

• Humayun and the Afghans • Early Activities of Humayun, and the Tussle with Bahadur Shah

• The Gujarat Campaign

• The Bengal Campaign, and Struggle with Sher Khan

4. The Establishment of the North Indian Empire

• The Surs

• Sher Shah's Early Life

• Social and Political Background of Bihar and the Rise of Sher Shah to Power.

• The Sur Empire (1540-56)

• Contributions of Sher Shah

5. Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire - Akbar

• Conflict with the Afghans Hemu

• Struggle with the Nobility: Bairam Khan's

• Regency; Revolt of Uzbek Nobles

• Early Expansion of the Empire (1560-76) - Malwa, Garh-Katanga, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Eastern India

• Relations with the Rajputs Growth of a Composite Ruling Class

• Rebellions, and Further Expansion of the Empire in the North West

6. State and Government under Akbar

• Akbar's Concept of Suzerainty

• Structure of Government, Central and Provincial - the Vikalat, Central Ministries, Provincial Government,

• District and Local Government

• The Working of Government the Ruler, Land-Revenue System, the Dahsala System.

• The Mansabdari System and the Army

 7. Akbar's Religious Views

• Relations with the Ulama and Social Reforms

• The Early Phase (1556-73)

• The Second Phase (1573-80) the Ibadat Khana

• Debates - the Mahzar Breach with Orthodox

• Ulama - Re-organisation of Madad-i-Maash Grants

• Third or Final Phase - Din-i- Ilahi

• State Policies and religious toleration

8. The Deccan and the Mughals (upto 1657)

• The Deccani States upto 1595

• Mughal Advance towards the Deccan

• Mughal Conquest of Berar, Khandesh and parts of Ahmadnagar

• Rise of Malik Ambar, and Frustration of Mughal Attempt at Consolidation (1601-27)

• Extinction of Ahmadnagar, Acceptance of Mughal

• Suzerainty by Bijapur and Golconda

• Shah Jahan and the Deccan (1636-57)

• Cultural Contribution of the Deccani States

 9. Foreign Policy of the Mughals

• Akbar and the Uzbeks

• The Question of Qandahar and Relations with Iran

• Shah Jahan's Balkh Campaign

• Mughal - Persian Relations - the Last Phase

10. India in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

• Jahangir's Accession - his Early Difficulties

• Territorial Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire - Mewar, East India and Kangra

• Nur Jahan, and the Nur Jahan 'Junta'

• The Rebellions of Shah Jahan, and the coup de main of Mahabat Khan

• Jahangir as a Rule

 State and Religion in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

• Shah Jahan - Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire

• Evolution of the Mughal Ruling Class and the Mansabdari System

11. Aurangzeb - Religious Policies, North India and the Rajputs

• War of Succession

• Religious Policy: First Phase (1658-79)

• Reforms and Puritanical Measures, Hindu

• Temples, Jizyah; Second Phase (1679-1707)

• Territorial Consolidation and

• Expansion of Empire - North India

• Popular Revolts - Jats, Satnamis, Afghans and Sikhs

• Breach with Marwar and Mewar

12. Climax and Crisis of the Mughal Empire the Marathas and the Deccan

• Rise of the Marathas - Early Career of Shivaji

• Treaty of Purandar - the Agra Visit

• Shivaji's Swaraj Administration and Achievements

• Aurangzeb and the Deccani States (1658-87)

• Marathas and the Deccan (1687-1707)

• Assessment of Aurangzeb and the Jagirdari Crisis

 13. Society-Structure and Growth

• Rural Society

• Towns and Town Life

• Artisans and Master- Craftsmen

• Women

• Servants and Slaves

• Standard of Living

• The Ruling Classes - Nobility, Rural Gentry

• The Middle Strata

• The Commercial Classes

14. Economic Life-Patterns and Prospects

• Inland Trade

• Overseas Trade - Role of Foreign Trading companies - Position of Indian merchant's over-land Trade

• The Mughal State and Commerce

 • Trend of India's Economy and Prospects during the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

15. Religion, Fine Arts, Science and Technology

• Religion- Hindu Religion, Sikh Religion, Islam

• Fine Arts - Architecture, Painting, Language and Literature, Music

• Science and Technology

16. Northern India in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

 • Bahadur Shah I, and the Beginning of the Struggle

• For Wizarat - Rajput Affairs - - Marathas

• Deccan - Accentuation of the Party Struggle

• Struggle for 'New' Wizarat: Zulfiqar Khan and Jahandar Shah (1712-13)

• The Sayyid Brothers' Struggle for 'New' Wizarat

• The Saiyid 'New' Wizarat

• The Wizarat of M. Amin Khan and Nizam-ul-Mulk

• Rise of Regional States, Beginning of Foreign Invasions of India (1725-48

17. The Maratha Bid for Supremacy

• The Marathas and their Policy of Expansion

• The Marathas and Nizam-ul- Mulk

• The Maratha Advance into Gujarat and Malwa

• The Maratha Advance into Doab and Punjab

• First Phase (1741-52); Second Phase (1752-61);

• Third Battle of Panipat

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