Modern history micro topic syllabus upsc CSE aspirants


      Modern history micro topic syllabus 


1. Scenario before 1857

• Later Mughals

• Regional powers in 18th Century

• The British conquest of India

• The wars during British conquest of India

• British Administration before 1857

 2. Revolt of 1857

• Indian National Movement (1858-1905)

• Early Nationalists and Swadeshi Movement

• Government of India Act 1909

• Home rule league movement

3. The struggle for Swaraj

• Montague's statement - Aug 1917

• Emergence of Gandhi mass leader as a

• Khilafat & non-Cooperation Movement (NCM)

• Swaraj party

• Revolutionary Terrorism phase II (1920's)

• Simon Commission and Nehru report

 4. Intimation of freedom

• Civil Disobedience Movement

• Round table conference

• Poona pact

• Government of India Act 1935

• Tripuri session - 1939

• August offer

• Individual Satyagraha 1940- 41

5. Towards achievement of freedom

• Popular struggles in the princely states

• 2nd World War and Nationalist response

 6. Partition of India

• Rise of Communalism

• Wavell plan

• Cabinet Mission Plan

• Mountbatten plan

7. During the freedom struggle

• Indian renaissance/socio- religious movement

• Civil Rebellions during British

• Tribal movements during British period

• Peasant's movement during British period

• Working class Movement (1850-1900)

• Growth of communalism

• Left and communist trends in National Movement

• Press and education during British period

• Role of women in Freedom Struggle

• Governor generals of India

• Viceroys of India

• Important persons

• Important


• Congress sessions


1. Reorganisation of states

• Constitutional provisions related to State formation

• Factors that led to merger

• Accession of the princely states

• Accession of States under France and Portuguese

• Accession of Sikkim

• Rehabilitation of the Refugees

• Federal crisis

• Regional aspirations, insurgencies and areas of tension

• Accommodation and national integration

 2. Linguistic Regionalism in India

• Constitutional position and language policy

• Language and regionalism

• Recent controversy due to rise of Hindi

3. Tribal Issue and Policy Consolidation

• Issues & Present Status

• Policy consolidation

4. Issue of Women and Evolution of Women Movement

 • Issues & challenges

• Women movements

• Government policy response and legislation

• Governmental schemes

5. Problem of Caste and Social consolidation

• Caste practices in India

• Ambedkar Movement

• Constitutional provisions

• Recent government initiatives for emancipation of Scheduled Castes

• Issues of Manual


6. Communalism & Social Consolidation

• Secularism

• Causes of Communalism in India

• Consequences of the communalism and social consolidation

7. Issue of Linguistic Minorities

• Operational Inefficiency

• Government initiatives

8. Overview of Economic Development since Independence

• Planning in India

9. Agriculture

• Industry

• Service sector

• Current challenges facing the Indian economy

• Agriculture

• Journey through Five Year Plans

 • Land Reforms

• Post Green Revolution Agricultural Issues

• Agrarian Movements

• Achievements in Agriculture Since Independence

• Recent Challenges

10. Industry

• Industrial development since independence

• Public sector since independence

• Sectoral Development

• Private Sector since Independence

• Sectoral Development

• Private Sector since Independence

• Industrial Policy since Independence

• Make in India

11. New Economic Policy

• Impact of New Economic Policy

12. Post-Independence Policy of Science and Technology

• India's Policy in the Field of the Science and Technology

• Institutional Framework for Science and Technology Development

• Science and Technology in Pre- Reform Period

 • Impact of Economic Reform on the

• Science and Technology in India:

• New Policy Initiatives in the S&T

• Agenda of the Skill Training

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