How to complete syllabus in 2 months with revision


 How to complete syllabus in 2 months with revision 

Strategy to top the exam 

1. Set your goal and divide your task that How much portions do you have to complete in a day to complete my syllabus in just 1 month and remaining one month I will have to revise full syllabus twice.

2. Complete your lectures and simultaneously you have to keep revising it so that you don't forget anything.

3. If you have a 75 chapter just divide by 1 month 75/30 = 2.5 chapters. Complete 2.5 chapters in a day and keep revising it simultaneously.

4. Solve those questions twice which are given in your book and understand the type of questions.

5. Consistency, revision and improvement is the key to get rank in your exam.

6. Anyhow you have to complete the entire syllabus once in under 1 months, And in the remaining one month you have to do revision 2 to 3 times. You can divide your chapters and day according to your syllabus.

7. Do all the past year questions, Mock test paper etc that will help you to perform well in your exam and manage your time.

Use this routine for one months to complete your syllabus by lectures

6:00 am wake up

600 to 6:30 freshen up

6:30 to 6:45: exercise

6:45 to 7:00: ready for the study

7:00 to 4:00 attend or do your lectures

4:00 to 5:00: relax, have your meal

5:00 to 7:00 do your homework's

7:00 to 7:30: dinner

7:30 to 8:30: Break for screen time, family time

8:30 to 11:30: do revision or remaining homework

11:45: sleep

Use this routine to revise your syllabus for one month

6:00 am wake up

7:00am to 10am: study session 1, revise the portion according to you to do list

11:00 to 2:00: study session 2

3:00 to 6:00: study session 3

7:30 to 10:30: study session 4

Whatever is the remaining time for break, you can manage breakfast, lunch, exercise and screen time as per your convenience.

This strategy is for all the students who want to clear their exam by 90% + marks or you can also top the exam if you maintain your consistency and dedication and properly follow this routine.

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