UPSC history complete syllabus


 History complete syllabus

1. Ancient HISTORY






The UPSC CSE consists of three stages: preliminary examination, the mains examination, and a personality test (interview). The GS mains micro Syllabus of UPSC CSE is extremely vast and complex so it becomes very important to understand the syllabus to the core. The first step is always the most crucial in any of the undertakings in life as it determines the course of the entire voyage. The civil service examination follows a similar path. It is critical to understand the syllabus in order to succeed in the Civil Service Examinations.

The descriptive analysis of the syllabus's micro listing makes preparation easier because it allows aspirants to prepare topic by topic, ensuring that they do not overlook any crucial topics. Here, JV's IAS offers you a micro-listing of topics that includes a specific topic-by-topic list of UPSC syllabus, allowing UPSC aspirants to finish their preparation with a better comprehension of the UPSC Prelims & Mains Syllabus

1 . Ancient HISTORY syllabus 👇

1. Prehistoric Cultures in India

• Periodization of Indian pre history

• Sources of prehistory

• Stone age

• Palaeolithic (2 million BC - 10,000 BC)

• Mesolithic (10,000 BC 8,000 BC)

• Palaeolithic (8000 BC 4000 BC)

• Chalcolithic Age (4000 BC 1500 BC)

• Iron age (1500 BC-200 BC)

• Impact of Iron

2. Pastoral and Farming Communities

• Neolithic Phase

• Chalcolithic Phase

• Early Iron Phase

• Geographical Distribution and Characteristics

3. Indus Valley Civilization

• Major cities

• Town Planning

• Harappan Trade

• Agriculture

• Domestication of animals

• Crafts

• Religion

• Harappan Pottery

• Weights and Measures

• Script and Language

• Images

• Decline of Harappan Culture

4. Vedic Society

• Original Home of Aryans

• Features of Aryan Culture

• Vedic Texts

• Sources for Reconstructing

• Vedic Society and Culture

• Geography of the Rig Vedic Period

• Geography of the later Vedic Phases

• Economic Conditions

• Political Organization and Evolution of Monarchy

• Social Organisation and Varna System

• Religion and Thought

5. Pre Mauryan-Period

• Formation of states

• The Sixteen Mahajanapadas

• Republics

• Rise of urban centres

• Haryanka dynasty

• Shishunaga dynasty

 • Nanda dynasty

6. The Mauryan Empire

• Chandragupta and Bindusara

• Megasthenes

• Asoka and His Successors

• Asoka's Inscriptions and Sites

• Asoka' a Dham

• Mauryan. Administration, Economy, Society and Art

• The Arthasastra

 7. Post Mauryan India (BC-200- AD 300)

• Society Evolution of Jatis

• Sangam Texts-and Societ

• Satavahanas and Other Indigenous Dynasties

• Foreign Dynasties

• Commercial Contacts with the Outside World

• Schools of Art

8. Growth of Jainism and Buddhism

• Jainism

• Buddhism

9. Imperial Guptas

• Sources of Gupta Rule

• Political history of Guptas

• Fahien

• Gupta Administration

• Gupta Culture

• Urban centres in Gupta period

• Economic Conditions

10. Harshavardhana

• Sources for Harsha's Period

• Early life of Harsha

• Harsha's Administration

• Important Officials of the empire

• Economy under Harsha

• Society

• Religion

 11. The Southern Dynasties

• The Satavahanas (230 BC TO AD 225)

• The Pallavas (AD 330-796)

• The Chalukyas (AD 535- 1190)

• The Pandyas of Madurai (AD 590-1323)


Medieval India micro topic syllabus upsc 

1. Central Asian Politics and the Advance of Babur towards India

• The Timurids

• The Timurid-Uzbek and Uzbek-Iran Conflict and Babur

• Babur's Advance towards India

2. Struggle for Empire in North- India (Afghans, Rajputs and Mughals)

 • Struggle between Ibrahim Lodi and Babur

• The Battle of Panipat

• Babur's problems after the Battle of Panipat

• Struggle with Rana Sanga

• Problems of the Eastern Areas and the Afghans

• Babur's Contribution and Significance of his Advent into India

3. Struggle for Empire in North India

• Humayun and the Afghans • Early Activities of Humayun, and the Tussle with Bahadur Shah

• The Gujarat Campaign

• The Bengal Campaign, and Struggle with Sher Khan

4. The Establishment of the North Indian Empire

• The Surs

• Sher Shah's Early Life

• Social and Political Background of Bihar and the Rise of Sher Shah to Power.

• The Sur Empire (1540-56)

• Contributions of Sher Shah

5. Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire - Akbar

• Conflict with the Afghans Hemu

• Struggle with the Nobility: Bairam Khan's

• Regency; Revolt of Uzbek Nobles

• Early Expansion of the Empire (1560-76) - Malwa, Garh-Katanga, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Eastern India

• Relations with the Rajputs Growth of a Composite Ruling Class

• Rebellions, and Further Expansion of the Empire in the North West

6. State and Government under Akbar

• Akbar's Concept of Suzerainty

• Structure of Government, Central and Provincial - the Vikalat, Central Ministries, Provincial Government,

• District and Local Government

• The Working of Government the Ruler, Land-Revenue System, the Dahsala System.

• The Mansabdari System and the Army

 7. Akbar's Religious Views

• Relations with the Ulama and Social Reforms

• The Early Phase (1556-73)

• The Second Phase (1573-80) the Ibadat Khana

• Debates - the Mahzar Breach with Orthodox

• Ulama - Re-organisation of Madad-i-Maash Grants

• Third or Final Phase - Din-i- Ilahi

• State Policies and religious toleration

8. The Deccan and the Mughals (upto 1657)

• The Deccani States upto 1595

• Mughal Advance towards the Deccan

• Mughal Conquest of Berar, Khandesh and parts of Ahmadnagar

• Rise of Malik Ambar, and Frustration of Mughal Attempt at Consolidation (1601-27)

• Extinction of Ahmadnagar, Acceptance of Mughal

• Suzerainty by Bijapur and Golconda

• Shah Jahan and the Deccan (1636-57)

• Cultural Contribution of the Deccani States

 9. Foreign Policy of the Mughals

• Akbar and the Uzbeks

• The Question of Qandahar and Relations with Iran

• Shah Jahan's Balkh Campaign

• Mughal - Persian Relations - the Last Phase

10. India in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

• Jahangir's Accession - his Early Difficulties

• Territorial Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire - Mewar, East India and Kangra

• Nur Jahan, and the Nur Jahan 'Junta'

• The Rebellions of Shah Jahan, and the coup de main of Mahabat Khan

• Jahangir as a Rule

 State and Religion in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

• Shah Jahan - Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire

• Evolution of the Mughal Ruling Class and the Mansabdari System

11. Aurangzeb - Religious Policies, North India and the Rajputs

• War of Succession

• Religious Policy: First Phase (1658-79)

• Reforms and Puritanical Measures, Hindu

• Temples, Jizyah; Second Phase (1679-1707)

• Territorial Consolidation and

• Expansion of Empire - North India

• Popular Revolts - Jats, Satnamis, Afghans and Sikhs

• Breach with Marwar and Mewar

12. Climax and Crisis of the Mughal Empire the Marathas and the Deccan

• Rise of the Marathas - Early Career of Shivaji

• Treaty of Purandar - the Agra Visit

• Shivaji's Swaraj Administration and Achievements

• Aurangzeb and the Deccani States (1658-87)

• Marathas and the Deccan (1687-1707)

• Assessment of Aurangzeb and the Jagirdari Crisis

 13. Society-Structure and Growth

• Rural Society

• Towns and Town Life

• Artisans and Master- Craftsmen

• Women

• Servants and Slaves

• Standard of Living

• The Ruling Classes - Nobility, Rural Gentry

• The Middle Strata

• The Commercial Classes

14. Economic Life-Patterns and Prospects

• Inland Trade

• Overseas Trade - Role of Foreign Trading companies - Position of Indian merchant's over-land Trade

• The Mughal State and Commerce

 • Trend of India's Economy and Prospects during the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

15. Religion, Fine Arts, Science and Technology

• Religion- Hindu Religion, Sikh Religion, Islam

• Fine Arts - Architecture, Painting, Language and Literature, Music

• Science and Technology

16. Northern India in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

 • Bahadur Shah I, and the Beginning of the Struggle

• For Wizarat - Rajput Affairs - - Marathas

• Deccan - Accentuation of the Party Struggle

• Struggle for 'New' Wizarat: Zulfiqar Khan and Jahandar Shah (1712-13)

• The Sayyid Brothers' Struggle for 'New' Wizarat

• The Saiyid 'New' Wizarat

• The Wizarat of M. Amin Khan and Nizam-ul-Mulk

• Rise of Regional States, Beginning of Foreign Invasions of India (1725-48

17. The Maratha Bid for Supremacy

• The Marathas and their Policy of Expansion

• The Marathas and Nizam-ul- Mulk

• The Maratha Advance into Gujarat and Malwa

• The Maratha Advance into Doab and Punjab

• First Phase (1741-52); Second Phase (1752-61);

• Third Battle of Panipat 


1. Scenario before 1857

• Later Mughals

• Regional powers in 18th Century

• The British conquest of India

• The wars during British conquest of India

• British Administration before 1857

2. Revolt of 1857

• Indian National Movement (1858-1905)

• Early Nationalists and Swadeshi Movement

• Government of India Act 1909

• Home rule league movement

3. The struggle for Swaraj

• Montague's statement - Aug 1917

• Emergence of Gandhi mass leader as a

• Khilafat & non-Cooperation Movement (NCM)

• Swaraj party

• Revolutionary Terrorism phase II (1920's)

• Simon Commission and Nehru report

4. Intimation of freedom

• Civil Disobedience Movement

• Round table conference

• Poona pact

• Government of India Act 1935

• Tripuri session - 1939

• August offer

• Individual Satyagraha 1940- 41

5. Towards achievement of freedom

• Popular struggles in the princely states

• 2nd World War and Nationalist response

 6. Partition of India

• Rise of Communalism

• Wavell plan

• Cabinet Mission Plan

• Mountbatten plan

7. During the freedom struggle

• Indian renaissance/socio- religious movement

• Civil Rebellions during British

• Tribal movements during British period

• Peasant's movement during British period

• Working class Movement (1850-1900)

• Growth of communalism

• Left and communist trends in National Movement

• Press and education during British period

• Role of women in Freedom Struggle

• Governor generals of India

• Viceroys of India

• Important persons

• Important


• Congress sessions


1. Reorganisation of states

• Constitutional provisions related to State formation

• Factors that led to merger

• Accession of the princely states

• Accession of States under France and Portuguese

• Accession of Sikkim

• Rehabilitation of the Refugees

• Federal crisis

• Regional aspirations, insurgencies and areas of tension

• Accommodation and national integration

2. Linguistic Regionalism in India

• Constitutional position and language policy

• Language and regionalism

• Recent controversy due to rise of Hindi

3. Tribal Issue and Policy Consolidation

• Issues & Present Status

• Policy consolidation

4. Issue of Women and Evolution of Women Movement

 • Issues & challenges

• Women movements

• Government policy response and legislation

• Governmental schemes

5. Problem of Caste and Social consolidation

• Caste practices in India

• Ambedkar Movement

• Constitutional provisions

• Recent government initiatives for emancipation of Scheduled Castes

• Issues of Manual


6. Communalism & Social Consolidation

 • Secularism

• Causes of Communalism in India

• Consequences of the communalism and social consolidation

7. Issue of Linguistic Minorities

• Operational Inefficiency

• Government initiatives

8. Overview of Economic Development since Independence

• Planning in India

9. Agriculture

• Industry

• Service sector

• Current challenges facing the Indian economy

• Agriculture

• Journey through Five Year Plans

• Land Reforms

• Post Green Revolution Agricultural Issues

• Agrarian Movements

• Achievements in Agriculture Since Independence

• Recent Challenges

10. Industry

• Industrial development since independence

• Public sector since independence

• Sectoral Development

• Private Sector since Independence

• Sectoral Development

• Private Sector since Independence

• Industrial Policy since Independence

• Make in India

11. New Economic Policy

• Impact of New Economic Policy

12. Post-Independence Policy of Science and Technology

• India's Policy in the Field of the Science and Technology

• Institutional Framework for Science and Technology Development

• Science and Technology in Pre- Reform Period

• Impact of Economic Reform on the

• Science and Technology in India:

• New Policy Initiatives in the S&T

• Agenda of the Skill Training


1. Beginning of Modern Age

• Disintegration of the Feudal System

• Renaissance

• Humanism

• Art and Architecture

• Literature

• Science

• Reformation etc.

• Explorations, Discovery, Trade

• Colonization - Rise of Nation State

• The English Revolution

2. French Revolution

• Causes

• The revolution in France

• France under Napoleon

• Impact of revolution

• Significance of revolution

3. Nationalism in Europe

• Rise of the nation- state system

• Unification of Italy

• Unification of Germany

4. Colonialism and Imperialism

• Colonialism

• The age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

• Imperialism in Asia

• Analysis of Colonialism

 5. Emergence of USA

• Foundation of American Colonies

• The Independence of United States of America

• The American Revolutionary War

• What was the impact of American Revolution?

• Political Effects of the Revolution

• How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

• US Civil War

• Impact of Civil War on USA

• Global Impact of US Civil War

• Impact on India

6. World War-I

• Major causes of the war

• Course of the war

• Analysis of major events of the war

• Consequences of World War

• Aftermath of World War I

• League of Nations

7. Russian Revolution

• Major events in pre- revolution Russia

• Causes

• Course of revolution

• Consequences

• Aftermath of the war

• Post-Lenin Russia

8. Inter-War Years (1919 To 1939)

• The Great Depression

• The Great Depression- an economic perspective

• Rise of Fascism in Italy

• Rise of Nazism in Germany

• Soviet Union (USSR)

9. World War- II

• Foundations of the war

• Course of the war

• Aftermath of war

• Analysis of the war

• Decolonization phase

10. Development in Middle East

• Democratic reforms in Middle East

• Arab nationalism

• Israel

 11. Cold War

• Reasons

• Development of Cold War (1945-1953)

• To what extent was there a thaw after 1953?

• Nuclear Arms Race and the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

12. Post-Cold-War World

• Global issues since 1991

• Integration of Europe

• European integration- a timeline

• Rise of global Islamic terrorism

• Rise of China

 13. Communism, Socialism and Capitalism

• Capitalism (concept, types and example)

• Communism (concept, types, example)

• Relevance of capitalism in present era


1. Visual Art

• Sculptures of Harappan Civilization

• Sculptures of Mauryan Age

• Post-Mauryan Period

• Jain Sculptures

• Buddhist Sculpture

• Gupta Sculpture

• Medieval School of Sculpture

• Modern Indian Sculpture

2. Architecture in Ancient India

• Harappan Period

• Mauryan Architecture

• Post-Mauryan Period

• Gupta Period

• Temples of Khajuraho

• Temples of Odisha

• Temples of Gwalior

• Temples of Gujarat

• Temples of Rajasthan

• Temples of Bengal

 • Temples of Assam

• Temples of Himachal Pradesh

• Temples of Jammu and Kashmir

• Pallava Period

• Chola Period

• Pandya Temples

• Vijayanagar Period

• Nayaka Temples

• Temples of Kerala

 • Vesara Style

• Hoysala Style

• Rashtrakuta Period

3. Indo-Islamic Architecture

• Imperial Style (Delhi Sultanate)

• Provincial Style

• Mughal Style

• Sikh Style of Architecture

• Rajput Architecture

• Salient features

4. Modern Architecture

• European Influence

• Indo-Saracenic Architecture

• Post-Independence Period

5. Indian Paintings

• Tradition of Mural Paintings in India

• Tradition of Miniature Paintings in India

• Paintings in the Deccan

• Rajput School of Painting

• Pahari School of Painting

• Miniature Painting in South India

• Regional Paintings

• Modern Paintings

• Contemporary Paintings

6. Pottery Tradition in India

• Ochre: Colored Pottery (OCP)

• Black and Red Ware (BRW)

• Painted Grey Ware (PGW)

• Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW)

• Glazed and Unglazed Pottery

 7. Music in India

• Main Pillars of Indian Music

• Forms of Indian Music

• Musical Instruments

• Institutions Related to Music

8. Dances in India

• Concept of Dance in India

• Concept of Ashta Nayika

• Eight Classical Dance Forms in India

• Folk Dances

• Modern Dances

9. Martial Arts in India

• Genesis of Martial Arts

• Forms of Traditional Martial Arts

10. Indian Theatre

• Classical Sanskrit Theatre

• Regional Theatre

• Modern Theatre

• Renaissance of Indian Theatre

11. Indian Puppetry

• String Puppets

• Shadow Puppets

• Rod Puppets

• Glove puppets

• Modern Puppetry

• Tribal Puppetry

12. Indian Cinema

• Cinema in India

• History of Indian Cinema

• Classification of Indian Cinema Film

• Music of India

13. Religions in India

• Pre-Vedic Religion

• Hinduism

• Buddhism

• Jainism

• Sikhism

• Islam

• Christianity

• Zoroastrianism

• Judaism

• Christianity

• Zoroastrianism

• Judaism

• Philosophy in India

14. Bhakti & Sufi Movements

• Bhakti Movement

• Vaishnava Acharyas:

Metaphysical Foundation

• Other Saints of Bhakti Movement

• Maharashtra Dharma

• Sufism

15. Languages & Literature in India

• Sanskrit Literature

• Pali Literature

• Prakrit Literature

• Tamil Literature

• Telugu Literature

• Malayalam Literature

• Kannada Literature

• Odia Literature

• Assamese Literature

• Kannada Literature

• Odia Literature

• Assamese Literature

• Bengali Literature

• Gujarati Literature

• Rajasthani Literature

• Punjabi Literature

• Marathi Literature

• Hindi Literature

• Persian Literature

• Urdu Literature

16. Miscellaneous Topics

• Indian Handicrafts

• Indian Universities

• Personalities Related to Culture

• Places of Cultural Interest

• Fairs and Festivals in India

• Cultural Institutions in India

• Awards and Honors

Associated with Culture

• The Calendar

• The Eras

• Science and Technology in Ancient India

• UNESCO's List of Cultural Heritage in India

• Legal Provisions Related to the Protection and Promotion of Indian Culture and Heritage

17. Recent developments

• Schemes for Cleanliness of Tourist Places

• Swachh Bharat -

Swachh Smarak

• Swachh Bharat - Swachh Pakwan (Hunar Zaika)

• Swachh Bharat -

Swachh Paryatan

• Swachh Smarak

Swatchh Bharat' app

• National Tourism Policy, 2015

• Schemes for Development of Cultural Heritage

• Sanskriti App

• Cultural Mapping of India

• Cultural Heritage Youth Leadership Programme

• Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Himalayas

• Nearly 100 Monuments Identified for Portal on "Must-See Monuments

• Schemes for Monument Development

• Hriday

• Swadesh Darshan

• Prasad Scheme

• Adarsh Smarak Yojana

• Monuments of National importance

• Cultural Scheme Monitoring System

• Schemes for promotion of Culture

• Culture Ministry to Grade Artists, Writers for Selection Process

• Schemes for Serious Literature and Litterateurs

• National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities

• National Mission on Manuscripts

• National Mission on Libraries

• Gandhi Heritage Sites Mission

• International Initiatives for Cultural Development and Recognition

• Project Mausam

• International Buddhist Conclave

• World's Heritage

• UNESCO inscribed Yoga in the Representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

• UNESCO Creative Cities Network

• UNESCO Global Geopark

• National Virtual Library of India

• Animal Sports in India

• Jallikattu

• Kambala

• Bulbul Fight

• Bullock Cart Racing

• GI Tag

• Definition

• GI vs. Trademark

• Rights under GI

 .Famous Goods

• Latest addition

• Festivals in News

• International Yoga Day

• Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

• Buddhist Circuit

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