WORLD HISTORY Micro topic syllabus upsc cse Aspirants




WORLD HISTORY Micro topic syllabus upsc

1. Beginning of Modern Age

• Disintegration of the Feudal System

• Renaissance

• Humanism

• Art and Architecture

• Literature

• Science

• Reformation etc.

• Explorations, Discovery, Trade

• Colonization - Rise of Nation State

• The English Revolution

2. French Revolution

• Causes

• The revolution in France

• France under Napoleon

• Impact of revolution

• Significance of revolution

3. Nationalism in Europe

• Rise of the nation- state system

• Unification of Italy

• Unification of Germany

4. Colonialism and Imperialism

• Colonialism

• The age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

• Imperialism in Asia

• Analysis of Colonialism

5. Emergence of USA

• Foundation of American Colonies

• The Independence of United States of America

• The American Revolutionary War

• What was the impact of American Revolution?

• Political Effects of the Revolution

• How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

• US Civil War

• Impact of Civil War on USA

• Global Impact of US Civil War

• Impact on India

6. World War-I

• Major causes of the war

• Course of the war

• Analysis of major events of the war

• Consequences of World War

• Aftermath of World War I

• League of Nations

7. Russian Revolution

• Major events in pre- revolution Russia

• Causes

• Course of revolution

• Consequences

• Aftermath of the war

• Post-Lenin Russia

8. Inter-War Years (1919 To 1939)

• The Great Depression

• The Great Depression- an economic perspective

• Rise of Fascism in Italy

• Rise of Nazism in Germany

• Soviet Union (USSR)

9. World War- II

• Foundations of the war

• Course of the war

• Aftermath of war

• Analysis of the war

• Decolonization phase

10. Development in Middle East

• Democratic reforms in Middle East

• Arab nationalism

• Israel

11. Cold War

• Reasons

• Development of Cold War (1945-1953)

• To what extent was there a thaw after 1953?

• Nuclear Arms Race and the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

12. Post-Cold-War World

• Global issues since 1991

• Integration of Europe

• European integration- a timeline

• Rise of global Islamic terrorism

• Rise of China

13. Communism, Socialism and Capitalism

• Capitalism (concept, types and example)

• Communism (concept, types, example)

• Relevance of capitalism in present era

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