PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY micro topic syllabus




1. Geomorphology

• The origin of the Earth

• Early Theories

• Modern Theories - BBT

• Star Formation

• Formation of Planets

• Solar System

• The Evolution of the Earth

• Layered Structure (5 layers)

• Evolution of Lithosphere

• Evolution of Atmosphere

• Evolution of Hydrosphere

• Geological History of the Earth

• Earth

• Latitude and Longitude including important Parallels and Meridians

• Motions of the Earth - Rotation, Revolution and their effects

 • Inclination of the Earth's Axis and its effects

• Local and Standard Time and the International Date Line, Calendar

• Eclipses - Solar, Lunar

• Origin of Life

• Geological Time Scale

• Interior of the Earth

• Sources of Information

■ Direct

■ Indirect - EarthQuake Waves, Volcanoes

• Crust

• Mantle

• Core

• Geology

• Minerals

• Major Elements of the Earth's Crust

• Minerals - Feldspar, Quartz,

• Pyroxene Amphibole, Mica, Olivine

• Physical Characteristics- Crystal Form, Cleavage Fracture, Lusture, Color, Stroak

• Transparency, Structure, Hardness, Specific Gravity

• Metallic minerals - precious Ferrous, Non-Ferrous

• Non-metallic Minerals Sulphur, Phosphates, Cement

• Rocks (Aggregate of Minerals)

• Petrology

• Rocks & landforms

• Rocks & Soils

• 3 Family of Rocks

• Igneous

• Sedimentary

• Metamorphic

• Rock Cycle

• Earthstreak

 • Waves: P, S, Body, Surface,

• Shadow Zone

• Types of Earthquakes

• Effects

• Frequency

• Locating an Epicenter

• Volcano

• Types

• Shield

• Composite

• Caldera

• Flood Basalt

• Mid Ocean Ridge

• Landforms (intrusive)

• Batholiths

• Laccoliths

• Lapoliths

• Phacoliths

• Sills

• Dykes

• Geomorphic Processes

• Earth's Surface

• Exogenic Forces

• Endogenic Forces

• Gradation, Degradation & Aggradation

• Geomorphic Process

• Endogenic Process

• Diastrophism

■ Orogenic

■ Epeirogenic

■ Earthquakes

■ Plate movements

• Volcanism

• Exogenic Forces

■ Denudation Processes

■ Weathering

■ Mass movements

■ Erosion

Transportation & Deposition

• Distribution of Continents & Oceans

• Theories

• Continental Drift Theory

■ Alfred Wegner 1912

■ Pangea, Panthalasa

■ Laurasia,


• Evidence in support of Continental Drift Theory

• Jigsaw Fit

• Rocks of Same age across oceans

• Tillite

• Placer Deposits

• Distribution of Fossils

• Forces of Drifting

• Pole Fleeing Force

• Tidal Force

• Post Drift Studies

• Convectional Current Theory

• Mapping of the Ocean Floor

• Continents - plate Tectonics

• Lithospheric Plates

• Major Plate

• Minor Plates

• Plate Boundaries

• Divergent

• Convergent

• Transform

• Rates of Plate Movements

• Force of plate movements

• Indian Plate

• Movement from 71 million years ago till Today

• Landforms and their Evolution

• Causes

• Geomorphic Processes

• Agents

• Geomorphic Agents

• Erosional or Destructional

• Depositional or Constructional

• Agents and their Impacts

• Wind, Running Water, Ground Water, Glaciers, Waves & Currents

• Winds

• One of the Two dominant agents in Hot deserts

• Cause - Deflation Abrasion Impact

• Erosional landforms

■ Pediments and Pedi plains

■ Playas

■ Deflation Hollows and Caves

■ Mushroom, Table & Pedestal Rocks

• Depositional Landforms

• Barchans

• Seif

• Parabolic

• Transverse

• Longitudinal

• Running Water

• Humid Regions

• Two Components

■ Overland Flow Sheet

■ Linear Flow


• Stages

■ Youth Mature Old

• Erosional Landforms

• Valleys

 ■ Rills

■ Gullies

■ Valleys - V Shape, Gorge (Hard Rocks), Canyon (Sedimentary)

• Potholes & Plunge pools

• Incised or entrenched meanders

• River Terraces - paired & unpaired

• Depositional Landform

• Alluvial Fans

• Delta

• Flood Plains, Natural Levees, Point Bars

• Meanders, Slip off bank,

• Undercut bank

• Oxbow lake

• Braided Channels

• Ground Water (Karst Topography)

• Permeable Rocks

■ Percolation

• Depositional Landforms

• Alluvial Fans

• Delta

• Flood Plains, Natural Levees, Point Bars

• Meanders, Slip off bank,

• Undercut bank

• Oxbow lake

• Braided Channels

• Ground Water (Karst Topography)

• Permeable Rocks

■ Percolation

■ Bedding Plains

• Limestone and Dolomite Regions

■ Balkans, Adjacent to Adriatic regions

■ Erosional Landforms

■Pools-Swallow Hole, Valley Sinks (Uvalas), Sinkholes,

Collapse sinks (Dolines), Lapies, Ridges, Limestone Pavements

■ Caves

Altering bed of Rocks (Shale sandstone quartzite), Caves and Tunnels

• Depositional landforms

• Stalactites

• Stalagmites

• Pillar Columns

• Glaciers

• Erosional Landforms

■ Cirque of Tarn Lakes

■ Hors and Serrated Regions - Arete

■ Glacial Valleys /

Troughs - Fiords

• Depositional Landforms

■ Glacial Tills

■ Moraines

■ Eskers

■ Outwash Plains

■ Drumlins

• Waves and Currents

■ High Rocky Coasts & Low Sedimentary Coasts

■ Erosional


■ Cliffs

■ Terraces

■ Caves

■ Stacks

■ Depositional


■ Beaches


■ Bars Barriers


■ Weathering

■ Weather over

Earth Materials

■ Factors

■ Geological

■ Climatic

■ Topograph


■ Vegetative

• Major Processes

■ Chemical

■ Physical or Mechanical

■ Biological

• Chemical - Forces Chemical Action

■ Solution

■ Carbonation

■ Hydration

■ Oxidation & Reduction

• Physical Forces Gravitational, Expansion, Water Pressure

■ Unloading & Expansion

■ Temperature changes and Expansion

■ Freezing, Thawing, & Frost Wedging

■ Salt Weathering

• Biological Weathering

■ Burrowing

■ Wedging

■ Plant Roots

■ Effects of Weathering

■ Exfoliation

(Flaking)- Exfoliation

■ Domes, Tors

• Significance of Weathering

■ Soil Formatiol

■ Biomes and Biodiversity

■ Leaching / Enrichment

• Mass Movements

• Activating causes

• Forms of movement Heave

• Flow Slide

• 3 major Groups - Slow Movement, Rapid

■ Soil Formation

■ Biomes and Biodiversity

■ Leaching / Enrichment

• Mass Movements

• Activating causes

• Forms of movement Heave

• Flow Slide

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