Things every Student should do before they Sit Down to Study


 Things every Student should do before they

Sit Down to Study

Assess their Environment

Studying in an environment that is not prepped and primed for studying is going to lead to one thing... procrastination.

Taking just 5 minutes to remove distractions, declutter your workspace & organize your study materials can increase your level of productivity by up to 40%.

 Create a Study Outline

To get more done, in less time you must identify what your intended outcome for your study session is, before you start it.

Once you know your intended outcome, you can work backwards from here to assess what you need to work on during the session in order to achieve this.

Study in * Chunks*

Looking at your study session as one whole *chunk of work can easily leave you feeling overwhelmed and de-motivated.

Instead, break the work down into bite- sized achievable chunks and focus on one chunk of work at a time.

 Create a cut-off time.

Without a solid *end point* you're more likely to drag out your study session, procrastinate and completely lose all focus & motivation.

So, set yourself an end point when you must put your pen down, close your books and finish the session. This way, you'll have an incentive to work harder during your session, knowing it's not going to last for hours on end.

 Are you doing any of these things before you start your study session?

Truth is... nothing will make a topic you find completely boring, a fun one.

But what you can do is find ways to make the study session run faster, smoother and far more effectively , so that you can spend less time at your desk and more time doing the things you enjoy 700!

P.S. If you want a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to get your studying done even when you REALLY don't want to, drop me a DM with the word *Blueprint* and I'll send you the link to this exact guide right now!

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